Thursday, 4 December 2008

True love


Mike Armitage said...


That mirror!

Didn't you buy it when we went to Dawlish to see the swans, and finished up having our picture taken by a member of the town council?

PS, my good friend, Ricci O'Blene, local swaggerer, has been told by Calfy's gender consultant, that he is a woman! He thinks this is a bit worrying, and says can you tell the others that this is indeed not the case!

I haven't a clue what he's talking about anyway - these young blades think they can get anything these days...

Doris x

Bunty Binstock said...

Doris, indeed! Didn't we have a lovely day? I particularly enjoyed pushing that Community Support Officer into the sea!

Calfy's Gender consultant thinks Electro Kevin is 99% male, which just shows how wrong these things can be, Doris. Tell Ricci that I know he's all man...

I have been making a bit of a fool of myself with Dennis. Let's have a girly night out soon. xxxx

Jon said...

Dearest One

Just to let you know that I would have defended your honour against that cad, Bellé-Sauvage, but he chose to hide behind his sister's petticoats.


Bunty Binstock said...

Thank you for the warning, Dennis, my Love. Haskett has never really recovered from being charged £10 for a snog at the Fete but I had to charge extra as he took liberties.
